Optimally equipped for the next security audit

Control and maintenance
Initial situation
In the annual safety inspection, checking that the first-aid kits are properly equipped is an integral part of the entire plant. Ideally, all prescribed contents are available in all first-aid kits at all times. Permanent monitoring is very time-consuming.
Difficulties arise when it is determined in the course of the next audit that the process has not been implemented consistently and this fact is recorded with a secondary failure. The biggest problem is when, at the time of an accident at work, the required material is not included and optimal help cannot be provided.
Lingemann will be happy to take on this task for you and will ensure that your first-aid kits are always up to date.
Analysis by Lingemann
In a customer project, our task was to check a total of 64 first-aid kits, which are spread over the entire factory premises and several halls. Until then, this process was carried out by our customer, who provided for a weekly manual visual inspection. Due to limited capacity and a lack of substitution regulations, the task could not be carried out as planned. As a result, only some of the first-aid kits were able to meet all the requirements of an audit.
To reduce the workload and to document the correct implementation, a system had to be found that reports the opening of the first-aid kits. With our BOOST.Button we have found a way to display the accesses with low investment costs. As soon as a box is opened, the employee presses the button. With this click, the prompt refill is initiated.
The first aid kits are filled up today by Lingemann staff. Also, the filler receives a weekly list of all opened boxes. This means that he does not have to check all 64 boxes again, only those that have been opened. To be on the safe side, all boxes are also checked at regular intervals.
Operation and ongoing optimization
The concept has already contributed to a significant improvement of the situation, but it happens that the BOOST.Button is forgotten in the hectic of the accident situation and only notices during the monthly check. Until then, the refilling does not take place.
We are currently further developing the BOOST.Button and are planning a version with an inverted switch. The button lies on the inside of the first-aid kit door and is triggered by the opening and is automatically transmitted.
Measurable success
By establishing the BOOST system, we were able to help our customer ensure that all first-aid kits are properly filled. The period between removing the material and refilling has decreased significantly. In the event of an accident, the safety of the employees is guaranteed.
Case Study (PDF)